Low Income Credit Program – (For Homeowners Only)
The Low Income Credit (LIC) program provides a monthly utility credit, up to $29.77, to low-income homeowners for water, wastewater, and solid waste.
Participation in the program must be renewed annually.
The Low Income Credit Program is administered by both:
- The Storehouse (505) 842-6491 – water@storehousenm.org
- Rio Grande Food Project (505) 967-8983 – water@rgfp.org
- Low Income Credit Application (English)
- Low Income Credit Application (Spanish)
Contacts for Water & Sewer Bill Assistance – (For Homeowners or Tenants)
Local agencies may be able to help those in need pay their water and sewer bills. A list of agencies and their contact information is available here.
Water Assistance Fund (WAF) Grants – (For Homeowners or Tenants)
One-time, emergency help for Low-Income homeowners or tenants who pay Water Authority water and sewer bills. Approved applications may receive up to $150 towards their bill.
The Water Assistance Fund Grants are administered by only:
- Rio Grande Food Project (505) 967-8983 – water@rgfp.org