Actualización de la fluoración: Se reanuda la fluoración

Supplemental fluoridation of Albuquerque’s drinking water resumed on June 27, 2018. Background information about the decision to resume fluoridation, and the utility’s fluoridation methodology, is included in the update posted below.

Para conocer los beneficios de la fluoración suplementaria, visite el sitio web de la Asociación Dental Americana.

Fluoridation Update

Tras meses de debate, la Junta de Gobierno de la Autoridad del Agua aprobó en septiembre de 2017 la fluoración suplementaria del suministro municipal de agua potable.

On a 5-2 vote, the Board amended the utility’s budget to accommodate the fluoridation program.  The Board also directed staff to implement a supplemental fluoridation program to meet, as closely as possible, the optimum fluoride levels for dental health recommended by the federal government.

The New Mexico Department of Health and the New Mexico Dental Association had urged the Water Authority to resume supplemental fluoridation for the sake of the community’s dental health.  Representatives of both organizations said fluoridation would be especially beneficial for low-income and disadvantaged populations in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.

Supplemental fluoridation was the norm in Albuquerque from 1972 until 2011, when the Water Authority temporarily suspended the practice pending issuance of new federal recommendations on optimal fluoride levels. The Centers for Disease Control eventually issued a recommended optimal level of 0.7 mg/L (parts per million). Fluoride occurs naturally in the local water supply at about 0.5 mg/L on average.

A modo de obtener la opinión del público sobre este tema, la Water Authority llevó a cabo una reunión en el ayuntamiento el 9 de abril de 2014, en el African American Performing Arts Center. Unas 70 personas asistieron a la reunión, y el personal de la Water Authority y los expertos que se opon en y están a favor de la fluoración hicieron presentaciones (haga clic en los enlaces para descargar copias de las presentaciones).

La transcripción de la reunión se ha publicado aquí.