Presentado por la Autoridad del Agua del Condado de Albuquerque Bernalillo.
La Academia Water Smart ha sido creada para los profesionales del paisajismo que buscan ampliar sus conocimientos sobre la gestión del paisaje y los sistemas de riego. Las clases gratuitas ofrecen lo último en mejores prácticas de gestión del riego del paisaje (BMP) para asegurar paisajes sanos, sostenibles y funcionales, evitando el desperdicio de agua.
Lunch provided! Most classes are limited to 20 participants.
CEU’s for NMASLA and NM CID licenses
Location: 6000 Alexander Blvd. 87107
Obtenga la certificación Elija cualquiera de estas secciones para que su equipo se certifique como Contratista Water Smart

Certified Water Smart Contractor Classes
Irrigation Building Blocks – Proper Irrigation (4-part series)
Trainer: Chris Schlouski
Within every landscape in arid climates, there is a need for water management. Landscape designers and landscape architects need to be able to identify irrigation needs and properly design systems to fit those needs. Proper irrigation system design is critical and very often overlooked. The four-part class will break down the building blocks of spray irrigation, sub-surface irrigation, and drip irrigation design from conceptual ideas through installation. Additionally, we will look at strategies to help conserve water with your designed system and create the most efficient system for your project needs.
Clases innovadoras Lleve sus conocimientos al siguiente nivel
Sistemas de riego de PVC: solución de problemas y adaptación al uso de agua de bajo caudal
Formador: Jan Loving
Instalar tuberías, accesorios y válvulas de PVC es como pintar, todo el mundo cree que puede hacerlo. Después de todo, ¿qué tan difícil puede ser? Como la mayoría de las cosas, hay una forma correcta de soldar con disolvente, instalar conexiones roscadas y reparar el PVC para conseguir sistemas de riego sin problemas y duraderos.
Mantenimiento del paisaje para los elementos de captación de aguas pluviales
Formador: Mario Nuño-Whelan
Aprenda los métodos adecuados para el mantenimiento de los adoquines permeables/el pavimento/el hormigón; las estructuras de conducción de aguas pluviales, como los rebosaderos de aguas pluviales, las biondas, las zanjas y las cuencas; el mantenimiento de las plantas en las diferentes zonas de inundación; y el mantenimiento del mantillo. Recursos producidos por la Coalición Arid LID como el Manual de Mantenimiento que incluye listas de comprobación y frecuencia de mantenimiento, así como la serie de vídeos que ilustran cómo mantener adecuadamente estas características.
Arboriculture for Non-Arborists
Trainer: Joran Viers
Presented in two sections; the first focuses on tree anatomy and physiology, looking at how trees are put together and how they function. We look at roots, stems, and leaves; how they do what they need to do, how they grow, and how environment influences those things.
The second section focuses on practice – what we do to/with trees, from planting to pruning, how the realities of tree growth and function inform how we manage them in our landscapes.
Symptoms and Signs: Diagnosing Tree Distress
Trainer: Joran Viers
Presented in one session. We focus on understanding how stress impacts trees and how they show that stress, with a visual tour through many locally common tree stressors and their symptoms and signs, with some discussion about prevention and control options. This presentation provides 4 NMDA Pesticide Applicator CEU credits.
Landscape Plant Maintenance
Trainer: Wes Brittenham
Over the course of four classes, we will discuss the appropriate care of grasses, perennials, shrubs, and trees, both native and adaptive. We will look at water needs, soils, and seasonal care from planting to pruning, in the ground, and in containers, as we focus on creating successful long-term strategies for maintaining healthy landscapes.
Scalable StormWater Drainage Strategies: Small to Large Sites:
Trainer: Jan Loving
Storm Water management including capture, storage, oil/sand interceptors from residential to commercial. Will include EPA and municipal requirements, including waste water treatment plant drainage versus storm water to river.
Por favor, rellene los campos del formulario para inscribirse en una clase.
Las inscripciones deben recibirse antes de las 10:00 horas del día anterior a la clase para poder asegurar los materiales de clase y los pedidos de comida.
Jan Loving Presidente de Loving & Associates, representante de fabricantes de productos de riego, fontanería e industriales en Nuevo México, El Paso y el suroeste de Colorado, e instructor de formación en drenaje de aguas pluviales y válvulas y accesorios de tuberías de PVC durante más de 30 años para contratistas, arquitectos, mayoristas y municipios. Licenciado por la Universidad de Texas en El Paso.
Mario Nuño-Whelan: Mario creció en Albuquerque y trabaja como paisajista para MRWM Landscape Architects. Antes de obtener una Maestría en Arquitectura de Paisaje de la Universidad de Arizona en la primavera de 2020, trabajó en equipos de paisaje durante dos años, realizando el mantenimiento y la instalación de paisajes residenciales para las empresas de diseño y construcción en Albuquerque. Es un apasionado de la recolección de aguas pluviales y de la creación de paisajes mantenibles y apropiados para el desierto que cumplen múltiples funciones.
Joran Viers: is a life-long student of nature and the natural sciences. Having grown up in various remote locales where plants and animals were always present, he developed a great appreciation for the diversity of life on this planet. Viers considers himself a servant of, and steward to, the planet, and he approaches his work through the broad lenses of Ecology. This approach, bolstered with considerable detailed biological knowledge, allows Joran to provide his clients with thoughtful, broadly considered advice aimed at improving plant health through improving site health.
Viers is trained in the biological sciences, with a Bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of New Mexico (summa cum laude) and a Masters degree in Botany from the University of Florida. Following his university studies, Joran worked in public service for many years. Initially he worked for the State of New Mexico as the Executive Director of the New Mexico Organic Commodity Commission, followed by a decade with New Mexico State University’s Cooperative Extension Service, where he was the County Horticulture Agent until he took the position of City Forester with City of Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Department. After a number of years, Viers left the city to enter private practice full time. He is an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Board Certified Master Arborist, and holds ISA’s Tree Risk Assessment Qualification. Viers is a member of the American Society of Consulting Arborists, and maintains a NMDA Commercial Pesticide Applicator’slicense.
Joran is recognized throughout the local area and across New Mexico for his technical expertise and ability to diagnose complex horticultural situations, his ability to communicate to a wide variety of audiences at their technical comfort level, and his excellent educational abilities
When not working, Joran can often be found in his own garden and will most likely be barefoot. He also enjoys river running, camping, playing music with friends and hanging out with his kids and cats.
Chris Schlouski: is an experienced Landscape Designer who values design and truly enjoys the art of place-making. A well-versed horticulturalist and construction project manager, Christopher has been creating beautiful and dynamic landscapes in New Mexico since 2008. Although often better known for his irrigation expertise and landscape construction experience, Christopher has worked through all phases of design, from conceptual drawings through construction completion. Christopher prides himself on his outstanding ability to collaborate with diverse teams and stakeholders, and he enjoys the process of discussion and coordination needed to bring any project to life.
Wes Brittenham: has over four decades of experience designing, installing, and maintaining large-scale commercial and residential landscapes, focusing on xeriscape, permaculture principles, Healthy Soil Principles, Wildlife Habitat, and edible landscapes. Recently retired from the position of Director of Horticulture at Los Poblanos Historic Inn and Organic Farm, he was also the Manager of Plants of the Southwest (Albuquerque), Operations Manager for Waterwise Landscapes, Grounds and Landscape Manager at Las Campanas Santa Fe, and Grounds Manager at Lovelace Health Systems. He has been active in the community with various landscape/agriculture volunteer organizations, taught Master Gardener classes in Bernalillo, Sandoval, and Valencia Counties, and has been an invited speaker at conferences, workshops, and garden clubs and groups for many years.